Don't Pull the Pig Weed and Toss It-Pull it and Eat It
Debra Hultgren
Pig Weed, Lamb's Quarters or better yet Chenopodium album is a common garden weed that seems to appear whenever new compost or manure has been added to a garden. In my case, it just comes up year after year from seeds lying dormant in the soil. The leaves are tasty and edible, like spinach or chard and can be used in all the same ways. It is great in salads raw when the leaves are small and young. It can be cooked in oil or butter with other vegetables or steamed just like any green. I have been pulling the small plants for a week now and will find them throughout the growing season. They will get tall (2 feet) as the season progresses and I still pull it but use only the leaves. I leave one or more to self-seed in a location that works for me. Try it!
Check out where I borrowed the photo for more ideas on using weeds in your daily diet.
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